Sunday, May 8, 2011

Maison a Bordeaux - Final Submission


What started as a materiality study lead me to the conclusion that the materially dense areas of the house, being the upper and lower levels are where the intimate family areas are located.

CIRCULATION - model and drawings.

In my study of the circulation of the Maison a Bordeaux I focused on the four distinct vertical paths that operate within the house. To the far left, the mother's staircase, then the father's lift, the guest's staircase and then finally the children's spiral staircase. Through this variety of objects which allow vertical movement Rem is able to open the entire house to it's wheelchair bound owner. Interestingly, in constructing a diagram of the four circulation paths I realised that the father's path of travel is exactly the same as the mother and children's path through the house.


I conducted a study of the variety of spaces that can be created by the lift. Through a sectional analysis I found that the lift can operate in three forms; as an element of the floor, as a slightly raised step/platform or as a intermediary level of it's own. These three different positions allow the wheelchair bound father access to all levels of the bookshelf. I found the little room created at the top extreme of the elevator incredibly interesting. The elevator reaches this extreme so that the father may reach the top of the bookshelf given his restricted reach. This then gives reason for the slight raise in the roof.

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