Monday, April 26, 2010

Axoooo... what?

Preliminary Axos
Comprising of 5 rectangular elements

In the first two I have no clue. But in the bottom two, I start to actually understand what an axo is. In the left axos I like the C shapes and the dominating central structure.

These two depict me trying to get a bit of comfort with the angles of an axo in a very simple configuration.

I love the feel of this one, below, how it is almost wrapping around itself. It feels like two elements intensely combined bust still incredibly distinct.

I really appreciate the shape of the left axo. I like how the rectangles going out either end have carved out a negative space as they were pushed through.

I like the multiple levels and layers of the right axo. I also, really like the texture in the bottom left and top right. I think they give them a real character.

Combination Axos
Comprising of 9 rectangular elements

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